Topic > The Cuban Missile Crisis: Strategic Decision Making

Topic: 'If we think about organizations and their surroundings as political systems, it changes the way we think about strategic decision making. This is important since strategic decision making is at the very heart of strategy formulation. 'A business strategy is about making decisions through all the available options that will take a company in a brilliant direction and the steps needed to achieve its goals. Strategic decisions are always made according to models of perfect rationality while real life is more complicated and the changes that happen are unpredictable, so information about the current situation of an organization must be updated frequently so that the analyst can have a quick response on strategies (Clegg et al. , 2011). The essay will have a critical analysis based on the film Thirteen Days (Donaldson, 2000) on the decision-making process and incredible results of the Cuban Missile Crisis which occurred in 1962, on behalf of the strategic part, including the process of deciding on an appropriate strategy and it will be necessary to consider the factors as well as the reasons why they chose that trade as the optimized decision and will be discussed further. Next, the political and strategic decision-making models of Allison and Zelikow (1999) will be discussed, combined with the rational decision-making suggestions of Vermeulen and Curseu (2008), who classified an optimal outcome according to utility theories usually applied on the process decision-making of a company. It turns out that the surrounding environment and political systems, as well as some other external factors, are directly related to the decision making process, one can also understand their priority objective by finding out the strategic decision. ...... middle of the paper ...... systems and surrounding environment that all these external factors will influence the mind of the decision maker and lead to a different final strategic decision making. References: ALLISON, GT & ZELIKOW, P. 1999. Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, United States, Longman Inc.ANDERSON, PA 1983. Decision Making by Objection and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 201-222.CLEGG, S., CARTER, C., KORNBERGER, M. & SCHWEITZER, J. 2011. Strategy: Theory and Practice, London, SAGE Publications Ltd.Thirteen Days, 2000. Edited by DONALDSON, RUSAVERMEULEN, PAM & CURSEU, PL 2008. Entrepreneurial strategic decision making: A cognitive perspective. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.ZBARACKI, M.J. & EISENHARDT, K.M. 1992. Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Journal, 13, 17-37.