I have started making changes to increasing my daily H2O intake, with the intention of ultimately improving my overall performance and health. As I am in my outdoor track and field season, I have noticed that I need to get more and more water into my body. Now that it's even hotter outside, I feel more and more dehydrated and lose water the more I exercise. The behavior I will increase is daily H2O intake for a couple of days. Hydration not only involves providing your body with enough fluids to function during exercise, but also preventing subsequent injuries and illnesses. Since I am more active, I will need to drink more than someone who has a low activity level. My goal is to get more than the recommended daily fluids, which is 64 ounces. I intend to drink more and will continue to do so throughout my time running. What I plan to do is start carrying a liter jug, with water of course, with me all day to remind me to drink my daily excess amount. Health authorities commonly say we need eight 8-ounce glasses a day, which is about 2 liters, or half a gallon, and it's also recommended that you try drinking 1/4 cup of water every 30 minutes to get the 64 recommended litres. oz. one day. I can achieve this by trying to drink 16 oz. of water every 1/2 half hour. So, I can get to drink more than 64 ounces. of H2O every day to keep me hydrated. On the gallon container I get, they will be marked with ounce segments, so that I know how much water I got that day. Therefore every day I will record what I drank during the procedure period. I have outlined a long-term goal as an end result, which will be... halfway through the article ......for a longer period of time, to allow adaptation to these behavioral changes, also to allow for greater accuracy and consistency. In the future, I would try to implement behavioral change with social support from a friend or family member. What could be done differently or changed would be to change and add some reinforcements and punishments to the modification period. Adding prolonged social interactions to the experiment could yield better results. If I had planned to do this with an involved partner, this would have allowed me to always carry my water bottle wherever I went, and therefore increase my H2O consumption throughout the day. Furthermore, at the conclusion of the experiment, I achieved my long-term goal of increasing his behavior resulting in an overall increase in health and avoiding the dehydration phase that was planned to overcome.