Friedrich Nietzsche is recognized as one of the most influential German philosophers of the modern era. He is known for his work on the genealogy of morality, which is a way to study values and concepts. In the Genealogy of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche states that values and concepts have a history because of the many different meanings that derive from them. Nietzsche focused on traditional ethical theories, particularly those rooted in religion. Not being a religious man, he believed that human life has no moral purpose other than the meaning humans give to it. People from different backgrounds and circumstances in history bend the meaning of morality, adapting it to the norms of their society. For example, the concept of what is "good" in ancient Greek culture meant aristocratic, noble, powerful, rich, pure, but not in the modern era. This means that in the past the term “good” was not applied to a type of act someone performed, but rather to the type of person and background they had. Nietzsche's project was to help expand one's understanding by reexamining morality through the genealogy of morality; help to be more aware of potential confusion in moral thinking. He feels that the current values and concepts that have been instilled in a society are a reversal of the truth, forcing him to believe that his own moral systems must have been created within the society. In works on the genealogy of morality, Nietzsche traces the origin of the concepts of guilt and bad conscience, which will constitute the main focal point, and explains their role in Nietzsche's project against morality. It will be argued that guilt and bad conscience go against Nietzsche's role against morality because they can conflict with morality co...... at the center of the paper ......the reason why this situation would go against morality is because the person would like to be punished for their actions, because they go against the moral code of society. In conclusion, there is no absolute truth or meaning behind the concepts and values of guilt and bad conscience other than the meanings that human beings attribute to them. Because of the meanings that humans attach to values and concepts, Nietzsche is free to argue that, in his view, guilt and bad conscience are at odds with its role against morality because they can conflict with codes morals of society. Depending on what society considers morally right determines whether a certain concept or value will go against it. As Nietzsche might have mentioned before, the history and meanings behind a concept or value are not created by the world but are created by different groups with different cultural heritages and beliefs..