1. Web accessibility and usability. According to an organization called World Wide Web Consortium (2010), it indicates that web accessibility and usability are related to each other when developing a website. Therefore, the accessibility and usability of a website are very important. 1.1 Web Accessibility According to Heng (2010) explain that the accessibility of a Web consists of providing and ensuring the same user experience for people with disabilities such as color blindness. How to make the website accessible? Heng (2010) continues to suggest some methods to improve the accessibility of a website, the first is not to make the text too small on the website, because the elderly may have poor eyesight and it is difficult for them to see small text. Heng followed the second method which is to use high contrast colors for the background and text of the website, do not use the combination of background and text colors which makes it difficult to look at it, even people with poor eyesight will not be difficult to see, but it is a problem method even for normal people. Therefore, with these expert advice, the web system in part b of the assignment is improved in terms of accessibility using viewable methods such as avoiding small font text in the website and color used in the background and text (black and white). There are still many methods to improve the accessibility of websites. According to an organization WebAIM (2013), it indicates some ways to improve the accessibility of a website such as planning a good heading structure to ensure that the content is in a structure header logic, provide good contrast, design a link for the user that can help them go back to the top of the page and make sure the link text is meaningful. In part b of the assignment, we also improved the accessibility by taking inspiration from WebA...... middle of the paper...... provide an input box on the home page to allow the user to search for what they want, not only search the home page but the entire website, it would also help the user to save time. In part b of the assignment, the website is included a search box where the user can search for the press release he is looking for and the website will not update itself because it may disturb the user if he concentrates on something and suddenly the update brings if we stopped them, they would get frustrated (Nielsen, 2001). Besides that, Melinda (2010) provides golden rules that lead a web page to be more usable, that is, be logical, plan the website so that it is structured and keep testing and improving it to avoid errors or errors in the website . Therefore, with all these expert methods and rules, it will be very helpful in assignment part b to make it more usable.