Topic > Clash of Ignorance, by Edward Said - 1777

As we entered the new millennium, Edward Said's article, "The Clash of Ignorance," appeared in the October 22 edition of The Nation, 2001. His article was a critical article response to my thesis that first appeared in 1993, “The Clash of Civilizations?”. The following years saw many adopt his argument as a valid counter to my thesis. However, I believe that his argument relies more on the concept of clash of civilizations stated in my article, strengthening it, rather than weakening it. In this article I will discuss and address the arguments he makes. If you recall my main point in “The Clash of Civilizations?”, I argued that the conflicts of the future will predominantly be due to cultural differences (Huntington, 1993). However, Said argues that rather than cultural differences, conflicts will arise from the ignorance that different cultures have towards each other (Said, 2001). I defend my thesis by pointing out that, although Said believes that conflicts will arise from ignorance, conflicts are still between civilizations. For Said's argument to make sense, he must admit that there are and always will be differences between these cultures of sufficient magnitude for one side to be ignorant of the beliefs and values ​​of the other. The result of one of the civilizations not understanding or accepting the practices of the other party's culture is their ultimate conflict (Huntington, 1993). Therefore, the basis of Said's point supports my hypothesis that future conflicts will be primarily between civilizations and secondarily will be due to their cultural differences. Said could argue against this, from a socio-constructivist point of view, that these differences between civilizations will be what... half of the paper... International Security, 20(4), pp. 5-41. Gerges, F. A. (2003, March 21). “Will the US-Iraq war lead to a religious war?” ABC News, Retrieved from, Ezra. (2005, December 27). “65% of Palestinians Applaud Terror Attacks on US, Europe,” Israel National News, excerpted from, SP (1993 ). “The clash of civilizations?” Foreign Affairs, 72(3), pp. 22-49.Juhasz, A. (2013). “Why the Iraq War Was Fought for Big Oil,” CNN, Retrieved from, E. (2001 , October 22). “The Clash of Ignorance,” The Nation, 273(12), pp. 11-13. Wendt, A. (1992). “Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics”, International Organization, 46(2), pp. 391-425.