Topic > We have NOT done enough to respond to the legacy of globalization...

From what I have learned so far it seems that contemporary society has responded to the legacy of historical globalization, but has not done enough to satisfy those interested and affected . I would have to disagree with this statement, there are still some issues that I believe need to be addressed. Reasoning I chose the position of disagreement because although contemporary society has responded to the legacies of historical globalization, I think we have not yet done enough. Even though we have definitely moved away from a Eurocentric perspective, there are certainly some nuances that remain evident in our daily society in almost all countries. Even today there are some very strong examples of how contemporary society has chosen racist or discriminatory paths. I have seen many ignorant or bad choices made by people with a higher power, such as Putin effectively banning gays from participating in the next Olympics he will host. Although he reviewed that policy, I am still quite surprised at how ignorant he was of a decision he had made, as he is a man of very high power and responsibility. Regardless of a different culture's way of seeing things, I think it is more of a problem caused by a legacy of historical globalization. If Europeans had not acted so discriminately, would our society be more open-minded today? It is unlikely that a single problem from those times could have completely changed our future, but at least we would be on the road to a better future. Strongly disagree, at least for me, makes me feel like we haven't even begun to respond to the legacies of historical globalization. I know some people… halfway through the document… it was said, what was the most shocking thing to you? Do you think other major conflicts with ethnocentric overtones will arise? Okay: If you had to change locations, where would you go and why? Have we really done enough if society as a whole hasn't addressed these issues together? Strongly Disagree: Which Agree or Strongly Agree topic convinced you the most? How much more do we need to do before we begin to respond better to these legacies? Works Cited “United Council on Human Rights.” United Council for Human Rights. Np, nd Web. November 27, 2013. “What Caused the Rush to Africa?” African History. Np, nd Web. November 27, 2013. “Exploring Globalization” Ryerson, McGraw-Hill created 2007