Effective Teamwork This document will explore some ways to effectively build and manage a team. There are many different styles, so I'll try to focus on the ones I would personally choose; and match my style. Since my style is eclectic, that's a pretty broad statement. I like to take what I think are the best ideas and turn them into my own. I like to think that if I were given a team I would be a great coach; Being able to bring out the best is up to my workers. No matter what style you choose, you must be ready to adapt at any time. This document will look at ideas and ways to accomplish this task. First we need to create a team. In doing this we need to think about what personalities and backgrounds will be suitable. Of course this will differ in terms of project, deadline and available staff. If you were to choose your team, then you will have control over the outcome, but you won't always be able to choose; so what? This is where one of the cases of adaptation comes into play. Assuming we have a choice, the best team is one that is diverse and will bring new ideas to the table. Involving people who don't know each other well can also spark very interesting business ideas. The comfort zone is removed and the team has to think outside the box. Since they don't know each other, each may say and do things they wouldn't normally do when surrounded by familiar colleagues. Once you have the team you want, this may require several revisions of the original list of potentials you created, you need to make sure you set ground rules and roles for all team members. As we learned this week from homework, if you don't do this, your team may fail to meet expectations and goals; Leading to problems for you, the customer and the company. Ground rules and roles help keep the team focused and on track by eliminating the ambiguity often associated with teams that lack a true control structure. Set it up correctly and it will help keep conflicts to a minimum in the first place. Next we will discuss how to get to know your team, to help drive results and get the best out of them, regardless of the situation you are facing.