Employee benefits are a tool used by companies to attract potential candidates, improve employee satisfaction, reduce turnover and maintain competition. Benefits offered by most employers include, but are not limited to, medical and dental coverage, time away from work, retirement, and additional assistance during life-changing events. Most employers in the United States offer benefits to their employees and include an annual membership to select benefits and make any necessary changes. Most consider medical and dental coverage to be the most important option within their benefits package. Medical coverage usually includes doctor visits, prescriptions, dental and vision care. Medical coverage allows an employee to visit a doctor covered under their healthcare package at a highly discounted rate. A regular doctor's visit usually costs around fifteen dollars, while a specialist's visit costs slightly more and ranges from twenty-five to thirty dollars depending on the plan. Employees also have a fixed fee for prescriptions included in the plan, prescription prices may vary based on the type of drug and decrease in price if a generic version is offered. Dental coverage consists of discounted trips to the dentist and a price amount for additional issues such as braces and more extensive procedures. Eye care coverage varies for most companies; usually covers one eye exam per year along with a credit for lenses and frames once per year. An employee will select a health care plan that suits his or her needs and will cover what he or she believes will be needed for the next year. (Sprint 2005) Time away from work can be grouped into several cats... in the center of the card... with other problems as they arise. Benefit options increase employee satisfaction in the workplace and help create a happy work environment. Most companies offer some type of benefits package, hopefully employee benefits will continue to improve and change with the times. Bohlander, G, & Snell, S. (2004). Human resources management page 462-492. Freemason, . . OH: Thomson South-Western.Sprint/Nextel Annual Membership Package for 2006 (2005) Annual Membership. Kansas. . City, MO. SprintPersonnel Policy Services, Inc.(2005) Ppspublishers.com. Navigating FMLA and . . Workers Compensation Maze: A Guide for Employers. Kennon, Joshua. (2005) Beginersinvest.com. Investing for beginners: start providing . . . for your future New York Times Company