Topic > Career Management Process - 935

Career management plays an important role in career development. Career management is carried out by involving employees in taking some necessary steps to achieve the career plan and commonly focusing more on the organization's ability to make its employees increase their career development (Werner & DeSimone, 2009 ). The career plan can usually be realized, at least in part, through the training program implemented by the organization. The career management process contained four stages which are self-assessment, reality check, goal setting and action planning (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). The first step in the career management process is self-evaluation. Self-assessment refers to employees' use of certain information that helps them decide what career they are truly interested in pursuing, skills, competencies and behavioral tendencies. According to Allen (2005), self-assessment is a process of identifying employee skills, abilities and knowledge. During this phase, employees need to perform some tests such as the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and Self-Directed Search. The tests help employees identify the work value they place on their job and also recreational activities. The self-assessment also involves some exercises that allow employees to identify their future career plan, where they are for now and also how their career matches the current situation and available resources (Noe, 2010). After finishing the exercises, employment counselors usually assist the employee in the self-assessment process and also provide explanations about the results of the psychological tests. Then employees evaluate their current skills and abilities and also the skills that are missing with some information...... middle of paper...... company occurs when there is a position that needs to be filled immediately and employees those who have the skills to get the job can apply. All four stages of the career management process are important and none of them can be skipped. Works Cited Allen, R. (2005). Competitive career management practices. Massachusetts, USA:WalthamAntoniu, E. (2010) Career planning process and its role in human resource development. Annals of Petrosani University, Economics, 10(2), 13-22Noe, RA (2010). Employee training and development. (5th ed.). Singapore: McGraw-HillPatrick, A.H. and Kumar.A. (2011). Career management, employee development and performance in Indian information technology organizations. Business Management Dynamics, 1(5), 24-31Werner, J.M. & Desimone, R.L. (2009). Human resources development. (5th ed.). Mason, USA: Southwest Cengage Learning