Ginny and Lear take the brunt of the blow, but their actions affect the people around them, even causing their deaths. Ginny's decision to chase Larry away into the storm leads to Ty and Rose's downfall. Ty's only dream is to run a pig operation, but his dreams are dashed when Ginny creates permanent discord in the family. With Larry no longer supporting him, he loses faith in himself and focuses his energy on trying to repair the family. Slowly but surely, his dream fades when he loses his wife, his pig farm and his farm. His pain is evident as he recalls what has happened since Ginny left, but when he talks about the divorce and Ginny seems unaffected, Ty reveals a "surprise wound...that revealed something beneath its cold surface" (Smiley 341). Rose had the most tragic ending, because she spent her last years without her best friend, her sister. They were a team, always there for each other, even in the worst moments. But when Ginny left, everything changed, Rose was left to make crucial decisions that she wasn't qualified to make. This could only be detrimental to her fragile health and the additional strain will lead to her becoming weaker. If Ginny had been there to support Rose, Ty would not have lost the farm and Rose would not have lost her health. In King Lear the web of suffering expands and all the threads lead back