Advertising and promotion: Egypt ranks high among developing countries, with 324 radios per 1,000 people, 122 televisions per 1,000 and 40 newspapers per 1,000. However, the high costs of advertising in broadcast media represent a major obstacle, even when the rules prohibiting advertising of pharmaceutical products are waived. Some broadcast contraceptive advertisements appeared for government and NGO services, but not for commercial services. Pharmacies instead depend on external signage, reaching a limited audience. Competition contraceptive alternatives are very limited. Female sterilization is not available except for specific medical conditions. Other women use pills or injectables. Government participation in the market: Prices of all registered pharmaceutical products are controlled by the government. The price of each brand of contraceptives is usually the same, whether it is offered to the public or the commercial sector. Condoms are the most widely used form of contraception in Egypt for unmarried couples. It is almost impossible to calculate the social marketing effect of condoms for the above reason. In Egypt, there is one pharmacy for every 4,000 people, meaning the likelihood of accessing a condom is difficult. 5. Preliminary Marketing Plan: 1) The Marketing Plan: A) Marketing Objectives: Target Market: We are segmenting the market following mass customization because condom is a contraceptive product used by males between the ages of 20 and 40 . Durex condoms provide a complete product line to meet different needs and tastes. For example (youth love, forward for people allergic to latex material)2-3. Expected Sales: We expect to sell our product to males in the age range of 20 to 40, so we are targeting less than half of the population in Egypt, in this case informing people about the benefits of using Durex. We are planning to be the leader of the Egyptian market and maximize our income in the long run. time period.4.Market Penetration and Coverage:We are using indirect export strategy for our business in Egypt.Using indirect export strategy is a common approach for mature international companies like Durex.Knowing that we will benefit from the support of the Egyptian Ministry of Health represents a great advantage to be successful in our market penetration. We will ensure broad coverage through our local distributor. B) Adaptation or modification of the product: Our product is made up of three elements: 1-The main product or condom, which does not need and cannot be adapted or modified. This is because as a medical product that should prevent sexually transmitted diseases and as a contraceptive its processing and production must follow specific phases using only certain materials; and subjected to strict controls and international standards.