Topic > The Unique Relationship Between God and Humanity in Genesis

The relationship between God and his human creations can be said to be a very complex relationship. Genesis shows us many examples of God's interaction with humans and humans' interaction with each other. From the creation of Adam and Eve and all the events that follow, I will show what this relationship tells us about the nature of God and humanity. When you read the first chapter of Genesis you get the feeling that God is perfect. God holds all the power and control. God turns chaos into order. "God said, 'Let there be light'. And there was light, and God saw that the light was good" (Gen 1.3). The word of God is action, the word of God is law in the universe. When God creates something, he ends it with God seeing that it is good. This in effect means giving support to the perfect nature that is God and the creations that God has made. “God does not play dice” (Armstrong 9), God has an order and a purpose for what he does God's importance is seen as he creates the world. It separates water from land. Light from Dark, Day and Night, Male and Female. This shows that boundaries are important to God. humanity with their language mixing languages ​​so as to confuse man and kill evil from good. With the creation of man and woman God forms them in his image ?And God created man in his image, a image of God created, male and female he created them? (Gen 1,27) says ?he because in Hebrew he is grammatically but not anatomically masculine?. So in the interpretation the first human being had no gender. Then in the third line ?male and female he created them? implies the creation of the genre. The importance of this is that the first form of ?man? he didn't have... half of the paper... he had sent him a part. First we see God as omnipotent, then we see God asking where Adam and Eve are hiding (not being omnipotent). With the creation of humanity, God loses part of his divinity and gains part of humanity. God has a little bit of human in him and we have a little God in us. But the main point is always the same: God has authority over man and will remain so. I also feel that the God of the Bible is really no different from the Gods of Greece, for example. The god of ancient Greece behaved just like humans, the only difference was that they were immortal. The God of the Bible seems to act just like humans, showing love, anger, remorse, learning from mistakes, and so on. So in the end God shows the flaws and learns from the mistakes. God is like human beings, maybe that's why sometimes we don't understand him because we can't understand other people and their actions.