Topic > Reflective Essay on Personality - 1326

However, this has changed with a better understanding of how personality type awareness intersects with communication and how we interact with others. This specific study provides four different character traits that describe my personality and that I will include in my “Christian worldview.” After taking the online test (which was put together from a psychological study conducted by Carl G. Jung), I was given a four-letter code (ESFJ) that represents different aspects of my personality broken down. My test code predicted that I was Extraverted, Feeling, Feeling, and Judging, which is collectively described as a “Guardian” (“ESFJ Functional Analysis”). “Good introductory paragraphExtroverted1The first letter of my personality “type” stands for the “Extroverted” descriptor. This proves to be a very large part of my personality. I can attest to the fact that I am very extroverted and enjoy being the center of attention. This it has allowed me to be comfortably assertive when I need to be around clients and colleagues, but it has a dark side that has often backfired in moments when I should just stay quiet and keep my mouth shut..