However, for employees working in a healthcare organization, situations conflicting with confidentiality may arise. Presenting a case study where HCA disclosed an employee's confidential information, a nurse recently had to increase her working hours due to financial circumstances. The nurse was a little worried about the increase because it would be stressful on top of her other responsibilities. Due to the stress, the nurse ended up using a form of narcotics to help deal with the stress level and anxiety, which appeared to have helped in providing care to the patients. As time passed, the nurse began to care for the patients and prescribed the medications even though the patient was not prescribed the medication. The nurse was later discovered working in the surgical unit as the pharmacist noticed an unusual increase in medications along with signature errors. The incident was reported to the HCA for further review. After analyzing the situation, the actions taken included issuing a leave of absence and presenting it to the personnel council. This therefore causes some form of breach of confidentiality for the HCA nurse. However, HCA feared for patient safety and needed to address a problem that was perhaps more common than they thought. As HCAs, they have a fiduciary duty to protect the mission and values of the organization (Badzek, Mitchell, Marra,