Topic > Social Space Essay - 1204

However, poor individuals networked in social space are ostracized, underpaid, and overworked. The three dimensions of development, density, division and presents the discussion between poor countries and those of the Third World. First, density represents a relationship between the population and the amount of social interaction within the network. Second, the divide includes differences in social class, language, culture, and race. Third, distance is the amount of people who agree and associate with people having different social characteristics. The three dimensions of development are central to the idea that the mountain is as successful as the human capital network in social space. The discourse of poor and Third World countries is conceptualized as social space, which diminishes as individuals migrate to cities. The mountain will run out of space for individuals to network human capital. For 200,000 years of existence, humans are born high, middle, or low, but at the conclusion of life, all individuals experience death in the